On Thursday night President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump put their presidential debate on hold to argue like two intoxicated friends about who has the better golf game.

No, we're not kidding.

The two presidential candidates debated which one of them has the better golf game while millions of people watching in amusement - and horror. Trump claimed Biden couldn't hit the ball more than 50 yards, while Biden claimed his golf handicap was under seven, when he was playing during his vice presidency days.

The conversation quickly went viral on social media and eventually the handicaps for both men emerged. Golf reporter Jason Sobel shared Trump's handicap of 2.5, while Biden's stood at 6.7.

It's important to point out both of those numbers are self-recorded, which means both men could be lying about their handicap while playing.

This isn't the first time the two men have argued about the sport, either. In April, Trump celebrated his club championship, which led to a rebuttal from Biden.

"It is my great honor to be at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach tonight, AWARDS NIGHT, to receive THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY & THE SENIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY. I WON BOTH! A large and golfing talented membership, a GREAT and difficult course, made the play very exciting. The qualifying and match play was amazing. A large and distinguished group will be there tonight. Very exciting, thank you!!!" Trump announced.

Biden took to social media to troll Trump afterward.

"Congratulations, Donald. Quite the accomplishment," he wrote on social media.

Perhaps these two should settle the presidency over a game of golf.

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